+1 787 558 1496
Quickfire Soccer Online
Engaging football themed app-based virtual team building activity
Quickfire Winter Olympics Online
Highly engaging Winter Olympic themed game with a variety of fun and engaging challenges focusing on individual difference, playing to strengths and risk & reward.
Race Around the World Festive Online
Una actividad de aprendizaje atractiva en la que los equipos descubren hechos festivos de todo el mundo mientras corren durante la noche entregando regalos.
Rags To Riches
Direct-action CSR teambuilding activity up-cycling unwanted textiles into profit for charity.
Rat Trap
Build & connect a series of enormous contraptions to trap the rat!
Use creative expression and humour to overdub movie clips with key messages.
Red Alert
Teams apply creative thinking to problem solving in a quest to stop a computer virus affecting their company and personal data.
River Runner
Explore leadership, planning and customer service leading a river expedition.
Robot Revolution
Los equipos se divierten y se ponen creativos construyendo y codificando robots para completar una serie de tareas colaborativas.
Sabiduría del Whisky
Introducción estimulante al sabio mundo del whisky y debate deductivo previo a la cena.
Sausage Sensation
Learn the finer points of sausage making and create your own regional delicacy.
Seconds Away
A fast-paced team board game to test product knowledge and accelerate sales skills
Situation Room
Teams must balance speed with accuracy in assessing real time information to reveal the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHO in regards to a developing Situation.
Sobrevivientes en la Isla
Los equipos varados en una isla deben atravesar 9 zonas para aprender habilidades básicas de supervivencia y luego avisar a un barco que pasa para ser rescatado.
Soccer Nations
Mediante un sendero en GPS, los participantes de Soccer Nations podrán conocer la cultura, gastronomía y curiosidades de las naciones futboleras del mundial.