+1 787 558 1496
Paint A Part
Impulsa las habilidades creativas de tus equipos con esta experiencia compartida a través de la creación de una obra de arte colectiva.
Peak Performance
Un aprendizaje a través de tablet que maneja sus recursos y monitorea las condiciones para la expedición.
Peak Performance - Online
Apply business skills & teamwork leading an expedition to summit Mount Everest .
Embárcate en un emocionante viaje con los ocho primos mientras desvelan el misterio de la legendaria receta del perfume de su abuelo en este emocionante juego de mesa.
Discover history and fascinating facts armed with a map and Polaroid camera
Picture Perfect
A remote team building activity that highlights the importance of collaboration and your people.
Picture This
Create a storyboard representing team views in a 6 framed comic strip.
Podemos Hacerlo
Impulsa los niveles de energía de tus delegados e inyecta una dosis saludable de vitalidad en tu conferencia, reunión o lugar de trabajo.
Puppet Masters
Puppet Masters es una prueba de comunicación, colaboración y desempeño mientras los equipos manipulan marionetas gigantes para realizar acciones aparentemente sencillas.
Push It!
Participate in skill tests, physical challenges and brainteasers to win!
Pyramid Quest AR
Teams use collaborative problem solving to solve the mysteries of the pyramid.
Quickfire Festive Online
A lively mix of mental, active & creative challenges to kick start your online office party.
Quickfire Halloween
Quickfire Halloween is a themed quiz where teams weigh up risk and reward, collaborate with other teams, dress up and have spooky fun!
Quickfire Olympics
Highly engaging Olympic themed game of mental, physical & creative challenges focusing on individual difference and risk & reward.
Quickfire Olympics Online
Highly engaging virtual Olympic themed game of mental & creative challenges focusing on collaborative decision making and leadership skills.